Tag Archive for: Empty Bowls fundraiser

Empty Bowls – Capital Area Food Bank fundraiser, Washington, DC

In a nice little change of pace, I recently had the opportunity to photograph a charitable event. More of that to come in 2012—an early New Year’s resolution!

The event was called Empty Bowls and is a fund raising and awareness campaign for the Capital Area Food Bank. For a minimum donation of $25, guests received a symbolic lunch of soup and bread along with a handmade bowl of their choosing to take home as a reminder of the thousands of empty bowls in our community. The lunch was very well attended and delicious…the soups and bread were provided by local companies including Whole Foods, Ris Restaurant, Window Catering Company, Firehook Bakery.  The handmade bowls were cool as well, made by local artisans and students. The event raised over $20,000 – nine times more than last year—and  with this year’s proceeds,  the food bank will be able to provide 60,000 meals to those in need.

For more information about CAFB or to donate go to www.capitalareafoodbank.org