Tag Archive for: Elizabeth’s on L

Jennifer + Josh’s wedding – April 16, 2011

If it’s a good omen when it rains on your wedding day, Jennifer and Josh are in for a large dose of good luck. It rained all day with high wind gusts. Which definitely put a damper on our plans to take some outside photos. Theirs is not the smallest wedding I’ve ever done (Melissa and Craig are still the champs on that one!) but it’s a contender. We started the brief day with a “first look” that turned out to be Jennifer coming off the elevator of the hotel and spotting Josh in the lobby. Then a rain soaked cab right to Elizabeth’s on L, a charming little venue between 13th & 14th St., NW. It was just the three of us for some portrait time and we did venture outside when there was a lull in the weather. I shot a few photos before a huge gust of wind almost knocked us over ( see if you can guess which photo that was!) and we decided to finish up inside. Jennifer and Josh were relaxed and very casual as their immediate family arrived at the ceremony. In total there were about 13 guest in total. As everyone milled around and had a cocktail, the bride and groom made their way to the “altar,” again, very low key. And then the service started and Jennifer got teary a few times. It can be a very informal wedding but it’s still and emotional event! There was an impromptu first dance and parent dances and a very funny bride family portrait recreating a family superhero theme and then a big sit down dinner. It was intimate day, small but sweet.

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