Tag Archive for: DC

Empty Bowls – Capital Area Food Bank fundraiser, Washington, DC

In a nice little change of pace, I recently had the opportunity to photograph a charitable event. More of that to come in 2012—an early New Year’s resolution!

The event was called Empty Bowls and is a fund raising and awareness campaign for the Capital Area Food Bank. For a minimum donation of $25, guests received a symbolic lunch of soup and bread along with a handmade bowl of their choosing to take home as a reminder of the thousands of empty bowls in our community. The lunch was very well attended and delicious…the soups and bread were provided by local companies including Whole Foods, Ris Restaurant, Window Catering Company, Firehook Bakery.  The handmade bowls were cool as well, made by local artisans and students. The event raised over $20,000 – nine times more than last year—and  with this year’s proceeds,  the food bank will be able to provide 60,000 meals to those in need.

For more information about CAFB or to donate go to www.capitalareafoodbank.org






Kate + Matt’s Carnegie Institution of Science wedding – Washington, DC

It’s tempting to say that the third time was the charm for me at Carnegie Institution of Science but really each of the three weddings I’ve shot there this year has been wonderful and different. Kate and Matt were the second part of my Columbus Day weekend doubleheader, and like Carla and Ed’s wedding the day before, the weather was amazing. That is one significant difference from the other weddings I’d had at Carnegie. We actually go to go outside! One of the most memorable parts of the day for me was when we left the building after the ceremony to head to Meridian Hill Park for photos. There was supposed to be a car waiting to take the three of us up the street. Kate and Matt waved goodbye to their guests and rounded the corner on P St. and found no car so Matt hailed a cab and we were on our way. I was impressed by the fact that they went completely with the flow, didn’t sweat a small snag and that Matt had money with him on his wedding day! As we approached the park we heard noise but I assumed it was the drum circle that happens on weekends at the park. Turns out it was the start of the Occupy DC march that was heading down 16th St. towards the White House. We couldn’t get right in front of them but close enough to see the police car escort and parade in the background! Another of my favorite photos that was a special request from the couple is the ring photo. Kate’s work for the Dept. of Defense takes her often to Afghanistan and so, of course, that’s where we put the rings on the cool globe that sits in the Carnegie library.

Wedding and Reception: Carnegie Institution of Science, Washington, DC

Caterer: Uptown Catering

Florist: Gretchen Wade

Hair and Makeup: Barbara Hill and Sonia

DJ: Mike Bell from MyDeeJay

Cake: Sugarbakers

Yuan + Jonathan’s Rockville wedding and DC reception

When I first spoke to Jonathan and Yuan on the phone from their current home in Atlanta I was intrigued by their wedding plans. In 10 years of wedding photography, I’d never shot a civil ceremony. They were married on a recent Friday at the Rockville Circuit Courthouse surrounded by their immediate families. It was such an interesting scene there, watching the full bridal parties come and go for their quick service. Jonathan and Yuan’s nuptials lasted maybe five minutes but it was very thoroughly documented, not just by me but by everyone of the nine people there to witness for them! Day two of the wedding weekend started at the National Cathedral for their first look. We found a spot not affected by earthquake damage and Jonathan saw Yuan in her white dress for the first time. She had worn a fabulous red dress for the civil ceremony as part of her Chinese heritage. After some sweet photos there we headed to La Maison Francaise at the French Embassy in Georgetown for their reception with family and friends. The night was filled with fun little details like the colorful postcards that friends and family used to wish the couple well and the adorable cake toppers for the wedding cakes made by the bride’s sister Julia.


Site coordinator French Embassy Catering – Cindy Fuller

Caterer Sodexo, Henri Lubet

DJ DJ Atticus (Patrick Miranda

Cake Julia Shu

Carnegie Institution for Science – Kerry + Matt’s wedding – Hurricane Irene

I wasn’t supposed to shoot Kerry + Matt’s wedding. But Hurricane Irene changed my plans. My Rehoboth beach wedding was postponed due to the storm so I was happy to join Toni Sandys in documenting their day. And it was rainy and windy and generally what you’d expect from what turned out to be only a tropical storm. And it helped that they were getting married at Carnegie Institute in DC where you don’t need to be outside to make pretty pictures! Their wedding had a lot of help from friends and family who set up and decorated the venue and even were instrumental in “creating” Kerry’s bouquet (her 4 aunts each had a small bouquet that they present to the bride just before she began her walk down the aisle with her dad. Kerry planned the day herself and there was not shortage of fun details. Included were a Skyline chili station, a gelato cart, maroon and orange and blue and orange ribbons (Virginia Tech-Matt; Florida-Kerry) tied around some of the glasses, a signature drink called a Tropical Storm (that name may have been a last minute addition) and 40 oz Pabst Blue Ribbon beer bottles. But there were a couple things that particularly stood out during their reception. First up, the surprise tango.  No one knew that Kerry and Matt had been taking tango lessons. So they start their first dance, the music is bland and boring. They look at the DJ like there’s been a mistake and he puts on some punk music that makes Kerry hold her head and Matt dance around enthusiastically. Finally, the light dawns on her and Kerry finds her bridemaids who unfasten the bottom of her dress and Matt has his guys hold his glasses and wrap him in a Hokies flag. The meet in the middle and proceed to do a romantic tango to the cheers of their guests. It was great fun to watch. As the night progresses Kerry and Matt did venture out to the site’s portico and down the steps into the rain. If you look at the photos, you’ll see that the umbrellas are doing almost no good at all! But the one surprise I didn’t know about came at the end of the night. Most people in the face of a torrential downpour would have skipped the sparkler send off but instead they decided to just go out to the side portico and go across the building rather than into the rain. Or so I thought. They made it halfway across through the sparklers when they saw some of Kerry’s relatives wearing their bathing suits (caps and goggles included) standing in the rain with sparklers forming a path down the steps. So off the couple went, into the rain, hugging their family in their bathing suits and off into the rainy night. As I keep my personal list of wedding firsts, guests in swimwear may have just climbed to the top of the list!


Wedding and reception: Carnegie Institution for Science

Caterer: Catering By Uptown

Flowers: Petal’s Edge

Hair and makeup: Jouvence Aveda

DJ: Bryan George


I know there’s been a lot of blog silence from me this summer. I had a very leisurely mid-July through mid-August and that allowed me to get almost completely caught up. Galleries and albums and blog submissions–oh my! Anyway, I have been horribly remiss in posting any engagement photos shot this summer so here they are. I can’t wait to catch up with all these wonderful couples for their fall weddings. Keep an eye out for more regular postings as my fall season gets underway starting with Maura + Pat’s wedding coming up tomorrow!!

On another not really related note–I’m now tweeting so if you’re on Twitter please follow me @deb_lindsey.

Laura + Sam’s Carnegie Institution wedding

Having a wedding in July in Washington is a hit or miss proposition. One thing Laura and Sam knew for sure is that they didn’t want to go outside. Good thing they had such a gorgeous place for their wedding and reception! I love Carnegie Institution for Science. I hadn’t been there in a couple years and ironically I’ll be back again in October and I have two of my associates shooting there in late August. This is my year of multiple weddings at the same site. But I digress. Laura and Sam had an adorable book theme to their wedding and I loved their first look in the upstairs library. The fabulous details carried through with bookmarks as place cards, books stacked as centerpieces and even on the cake table. Some of my favorite photos of the day are of Laura and Sam before the wedding on the great staircase and those intimate moments where he kisses her hand and whispers in her ear. As with the best of those portraits, it was like I wasn’t even there. The party was a rocking affair with Laura’s grandmother from Ireland cutting a major rug on the dance floor. It was so fun to watch. I was thrilled to have Mark Gail with me as my second shooter for the first time. He definitely got some photos I wish I had. J

As a side note: no children were harmed in the taking of these photos. I love the shot of Sam’s nephew trying to look through the railing of the balcony. He didn’t get far—there wasn’t room to get his head stuck!

Wedding and Reception: Carnegie Institution for Science

Caterer: Design Cuisine

Wedding planner: Bash DC

Flowers: Growing Wild Floral Company

Ceremony music: Cherry Blossom Strings

Reception music: Fresh Air

Kelsey + Robert’s Meridian House wedding – May 28, 2011

Kelsey and Robert were way ahead of the curve. They hired me to shoot their May 28, 2011 wedding in November of 2009. I shot their engagement shoot not long after and then all we had to do is wait another year and a half for the big day! I was excited to be back at the Meridian House, one of the prettiest venues in town and it was a beautiful (if a tad hot) day so we got to take full advantage of the site. Kelsey looked like a princess in her Kleinfeld dress and as she got ready it became a scene out of “Gone With The Wind.” Her sister Amber tugged on the corset laces of the dress from the back while Robert’s sister held her from the front. I particularly loved seeing the interaction between Kelsey and her family. Toni Sandys, my fabulous second shooter, captured a couple moments between Kelsey and her dad and Kelsey and her sister before the ceremony and there were a few whispered words from Dad as well as he lifted the veil during the ceremony. There was also a big surprise awaiting the newlyweds at the end of the night. Donna, Kelsey’s mom had rented a vintage Bentley to drive the couple around DC at night and we followed them down to the Capitol to get some night shots. I was really pleased with how those photos came out—my favorites, I think, are the shots of the two of them leaning against the Bentley and the view from the rear window. Something about that last shot just seems romantic to me!

The Meridian House venue was one of the stars of the show but others helping make the day special were:

Priscilla Trimble of The Finer Points

Hair and Makeup: Gustavo Makeup

Flowers: Jennifer Morris

Catering and Cake: Windows

DJ: Chris Laich

Video: Blue Sky Films

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Liz + Matt’s wedding – DAR – May 21, 2011

I don’t even know where to start with Liz and Matt. Really it started (as many of my weddings do) with Lindsay and Chris’ wedding in August of 2009. Liz and Lindsay are Virginia Tech sorority sisters. And Liz is one of  a handful of my brides who knew she wanted me to be her photographer as she started her vendor process. Which is very flattering, and just a little bit of pressure.  Luckily I love Liz and her handsome husband Matt and throughout the past year she’s been an awesome sounding board for me and my business. There are just times where it’s invaluable to have someone who’s going through the bridal process to bounce ideas off. Her DAR venue and plan for a vintage and romantic Washington wedding came off beautifully. The weather was amazing for the early evening ceremony on the portico of the building and the elegant set up of the dining room and the small details like pink and white striped straws and a vintage mailbox with postcards for the guests to fill out for the newlyweds, really made the day special. A couple of the details I particularly loved were her dramatic necklace and her birdcage veil. The portraits of her just after putting it on are some of my favorites from the day. And I’d like to digress for a moment in the middle of this post to say that even though I love all my brides, I have had a run of especially awesome grooms. Matt falls into that category. We bonded over swimming (he swam at Yale and had a bridal party full of his swim buddies and my daughter is just starting her swimming career) and he was so sweet to take time out of his reception to ask how she was doing and what and where she was swimming next. How thoughtful is that! The party was a rocking affair with even Liz’s grandmother taking a turn on the dance floor. I stayed later than usual and the dancing go more rowdy and made for some very fun photos as well. It was a pleasure to work again with Alex Pare of Cherry Blossom Weddings & Events who helped Liz make the day gorgeous. Below are the others who made it amazing:

DAR National Headquarters

Caterer and cake: Design Cuisine

Florist: Helen Olivia

Hair and Makeup:

Hair and makeup Gustavo Cosmetics

DJ: Jaime Easson of Bialek’s Music

Videographer: Blue Sky Films

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Jennifer + Josh’s wedding – April 16, 2011

If it’s a good omen when it rains on your wedding day, Jennifer and Josh are in for a large dose of good luck. It rained all day with high wind gusts. Which definitely put a damper on our plans to take some outside photos. Theirs is not the smallest wedding I’ve ever done (Melissa and Craig are still the champs on that one!) but it’s a contender. We started the brief day with a “first look” that turned out to be Jennifer coming off the elevator of the hotel and spotting Josh in the lobby. Then a rain soaked cab right to Elizabeth’s on L, a charming little venue between 13th & 14th St., NW. It was just the three of us for some portrait time and we did venture outside when there was a lull in the weather. I shot a few photos before a huge gust of wind almost knocked us over ( see if you can guess which photo that was!) and we decided to finish up inside. Jennifer and Josh were relaxed and very casual as their immediate family arrived at the ceremony. In total there were about 13 guest in total. As everyone milled around and had a cocktail, the bride and groom made their way to the “altar,” again, very low key. And then the service started and Jennifer got teary a few times. It can be a very informal wedding but it’s still and emotional event! There was an impromptu first dance and parent dances and a very funny bride family portrait recreating a family superhero theme and then a big sit down dinner. It was intimate day, small but sweet.

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Marina + Sean’s wedding – April 9, 2011

On the eve of the royal wedding it seems only appropriate to do a wedding blog post. Marina and Sean’s wedding didn’t quite attract the media attention that Kate and Will but they had a beautiful day and a classic Washington wedding. The day started at the Fairmont Hotel followed by a ceremony at Georgetown’s Dahlgren Chapel. It was a little cool and very overcast but the rain held off. In spite of the it being prime cherry blossom time, a lot of the rest of DC was not quite in bloom on April 9 but the Georgetown campus provided a very pretty backdrop for the couple and the bridal party. We had a lot of time built in after the ceremony to do portraits and in what is definitely a first for me, the bridal party had time to warm up and play hangman in a classroom on campus! After our Georgetown adventure we headed back to the Fairmont Hotel and found some magnolia trees still in bloom so that turned out to be a group formal bonus! I knew it would be a fun and dancing crowd early in the day when the bridesmaids and Marina were dancing in their seats in the limo on their way to the church. It was a great party. a fabulous send off for Marina and Sean as they headed off for their honeymoon in Thailand and then home to San Francisco.

Here’s who wonderful vendors who helped them with their day:

Event coordinator Emily Dionne

Site coordinator Bob Mikolitch at the Fairmont Hotel

Florist John Duffy at Yellow Door Floral

Hair and makeup Hair: Julie Jackson, Makeup: Kelley Epps-Woods

Band/DJ Aaron Platt with Chris Laich Music Services

Cake Alexandria Pastry

Videographer Blue Sky Films

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