Entries by lindseydeb

Lesley + Michael’s wedding – July 24, 2010

Lesley and Mike win the award for the hottest wedding I’ve ever photographed. And by hot I mean 105 degrees and an outdoor ceremony. The ceremony itself was surprisingly funny and made for many great moments but boy, was it hot. Did I mention the temperature?? All week long I watched the forecast as I […]

Amy + Jude’s wedding – July 17, 2010

I’m not sure I’ve seen a more nervous groom than Jude. We were the first ones at the church for his wedding to Amy. I’m glad he had the rings to twirl on his fingers to keep him occupied. I’m also glad that they decided to see each other before the ceremony. In a change […]

Matt + Paul’s wedding – July 11, 2010

I was very excited to be shooting my first legal gay wedding in DC. Matt and Paul’s wedding was a beautiful and reverant day filled with music and family and friends. Unlike most of my weddings, I didn’t shoot any preparation photos before the ceremony so the first glimpse I got of the couple was […]

Janine + Ajit’s wedding – July 10, 2010

Where to start with Janine and Ajit’s wedding?? It was a day of many firsts for me. My first wedding at the Willard which was very exciting. What a gorgeous hotel. It was my first full Hindu ceremony and the first time I’ve shot two full ceremonies in one day. So it was a very […]

Maggie + Gareth’s wedding – June 19, 2010

It’s so nice when there’s a perfect storm of beautiful church, gorgeous sunlight, lovely couple and fabulous reception. All I have to do is capture it! Maggie and Gareth’s wedding was such a nice combination of all of the above. And it was notable for another reason. It’s my first wedding ever in a church […]

a new chapter for Deb Lindsey Photography

Yes, it’s been coming for some time now and many of you already know but today is my first official day of retirement (or unemployment depending on your perspective) from the Washington Post. Technically it was yesterday but it was a Federal holiday so I’m not really counting that! All of this is very good […]

Tara + Stephen’s wedding – June 12, 2010

For the entire month of June it seemed like every Wednesday and Thursday it was sunny and beautiful with low humidity and by the time Friday and Saturday rolled around it was 95 degrees with 100 percent humidity. Which is another argument for getting married in the middle of the week but alas, people tend […]

Pamela + Joshua’s wedding – June 5, 2010

Pam and Josh have my best “how they found me” story. In early March, 20o9 I was flying back from a reunion with my two best friends from high school. We had spent the weekend in Savannah and I was flying home via Atlanta. I’m was sitting in my seat–minding my own business when Pam […]

Suvarna + Jeff’s wedding – May 30, 2010

I don’t know where to start with Suvarna (Sona) and Jeff. They came to me after their original photographer didn’t work out but I never felt like I was a second choice. I knew from our initial hour and a half meeting that this was going to work out well. Jeff’s very dry sense of […]

Paige + Chris’ wedding – May 22, 2010

Paige and Chris’ wedding day dawned bright and sunny but didn’t stay that way. Unfortunately, I watched the clouds darken as I drove from McLean to Leesburg and it was dusk before it let up. Not a huge deal since it wasn’t an outside ceremony and there’s the old adage about rain on your wedding […]