Entries by lindseydeb

Merriweather Post Pavillion wedding – Columbia, Maryland

Merriweather Post Pavillion isn’t known as a wedding venue. For forty years it has been great music hall and outdoor ampitheater will a full schedule of concerts. Megan +Dennis took advantage of the gap in events in early spring (and ongoing construction of the main stage) to hold their music and travel themed wedding. Merriweather is […]

Army Navy Country Club Arlington wedding – part two

Welcome to K+N’s Army Navy Country Club Arlington wedding reception! After the I Do’s it was time for a splendid party. The evening kicked off with the couple’s beautifully choreographed first dance and the proceeded with toasts. The bride and groom chose chocolate milkshakes as their drink of choice!! And then the serious dancing (and […]

Army Navy Country Club winter wedding

February is not a traditionally popular time to get married in the Washington, DC area. But Kelly + Nathan used their offseason wedding to show off their classic elegance and showed how beautiful an Army Navy Country Club winter wedding can be. Sure, an early winter wedding provides some challenges–like 5 pm sunsets and cold temperatures […]

Carnegie Institution for Science fall wedding

What a stunner of a day it was for J+C’s fall wedding at Carnegie Institution for Science in Washington, DC. A gorgeous blue sky and two stunning brides–it doesn’t get much better than that. Their wedding day began bright and beautiful as both women got dressed with help from their mothers and then made their […]

Old Town Alexandria Virginia elopement

When M + C  decided to elope on a Wednesday in Old Town Alexandria last fall I was all in! First, it was a wedding on a Wednesday! And secondly, I am a total sucker for a small wedding. As they got themselves and their two beyond adorable little boys ready at the Hotel Indigo […]

Carnegie Institution for Science wedding reception – Washington, DC

J+D’s glorious fall wedding on the campus at Georgetown University and their Carnegie Institution for Science wedding reception. Both are graduates of the school and we had so much fun roaming the campus looking for different spots to take their couple photos. We did the obvious and iconic photos outside Healey Hall, but I was […]

Georgetown University wedding – Washington, DC

It’s been a few years since I was last on the campus at Georgetown University to photograph a wedding. So I was excited to be back for the wedding of two alumni at Dahlgren Chapel and to explore the campus on a glorious and windy fall day. Preparations began at the Madison Hotel right across […]

Wedding Engagements – part two

Welcome back to part two of this fall’s DC area wedding engagements!! There were a couple revelations for me along the way. As much as I enjoy returning to old favorites like the National Mall and Old Town Alexandria, I got to explore some new locations. It seems impossible that I’d never done an engagement […]

Wedding Engagements – part one

Did you know that the period between Thanksgiving and New Year’s Day is what we in the wedding industry call engagement season? As we near the peak engagement frenzy, I thought it was a good time to show some of the engagement sessions I’ve had throughout the year. Many are in recognizable locations like the […]